We are proud to announce and warmly welcome Universitas Pakuan Bogor in joining our MonsoonSIM family!
Universitas Pakuan Bogor (UNPAK) is a continuation of the University of Bogor (UNBO), which has been active for approximately 2 decades until 1980. By 1977, several private universities, such as Tourism Academy, IKIP PGRI, Academy of Foreign Languages, Academy of International Management Secretary and the Academy of Islamic Sciences with the organizing body of the Bogor Higher Education Foundation (YPTB) had combined together with UNBO to form Universitas Pakuan Bogor.
Currently, Universitas Pakuan Bogor features a postgraduate program with 4 study programs, namely Education Management, Population Education & Environment, Law and Master of Management. Meanwhile, the Bachelor (S1) and Diploma III (D3) programs are incorporated within 6 faculties, which are the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Literature, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Joining our network of MonsoonSIM facilitators worldwide, MonsoonSIM would also like to warmly welcome Dr. Hendro Sasongko, Ak., CA., M.M., the Dean of the Faculty of Economics at University Pakuan Bogor. With notable research on subjects such as business feasibility analysis and capital market study among others, Dr. Hendro Sasongko is certainly a welcome addition to our MonsoonSIM family!
The first collaboration of Universitas Pakuan Bogor with MonsoonSIM had started in October 2019, during the “Parade Riset Akuntasi (PRA 4)”, an accounting research parade event and competition hosted by the university and supported by MonsoonSIM. From then on, by December 2020, the students of Universitas Pakuan Bogor have been applying the theoretical knowledge learnt in class using the MonsoonSIM business simulation and gamification education platform. Eager, entrepreneurial learners gain the opportunity to practice over thousands of ERP concepts and delve into the inter-dependent relationship of over 13 business departments, among them Accounting, Marketing, Human Resource Management and more.
Universitas Pakuan Bogor has a motto of “Unggul, Mandiri dan Berkarakter”, which translates to “Excellent, Autonomous, and Strong Character”. Combined with the university’s mission to produce graduates that can apply their academic prowess and strengthen their entrepreneurial spirit to be a positive force in society, the very essence of Universitas Pakuan Bogor is wholeheartedly supported by MonsoonSIM. Not only does MonsoonSIM engage and motivate learners, but the business simulation platform also provides the chance for students to develop and sharpen their skills. Through MonsoonSIM, students practice to become innovative, creative and critical thinkers that can confidently assimilate themselves into the expectations and responsibilities of the real-world business environment.
“It’s very important to make learning a fun process for students.” Mr. Abdy Taminsyah, CEO and Founder of MonsoonSIM, had stated, “We also hope that with MonsoonSIM as the platform where teachers can become facilitators, the education of students can be further enriched and that the perspective of students themselves will shift to a comprehensive, over-arching understanding of what it takes to run a business.”
With countless business concepts crucial and fundamental to trading, distribution, eCommerce, manufacturing and service businesses globally, the MonsoonSIM platform prepares students by presenting these concepts in the form of a comprehensive business simulation with thirteen interconnected business departments. MonsoonSIM looks forward to supporting the students at Universitas Pakuan Bogor in a way where there’s more to learn, easier to learn.