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7th of June, 10 AM Western Indonesian Time
How to Teach Retail Accounting with Business Simulation
Dear MonsoonSIM and Teaching Community.

We would like to invite you to our first-ever Workshop for teaching Retail Accounting with Simulations. This workshop will be perfect for those exploring teaching with simulations.
As you know many students are unfamiliar with the basics of Accounting for retail business. Concepts such as “inventory evaluation” and basic financial statements may be confusing to new Accounting students.
In this event, we will show you the “MonsoonSIM way” of teaching and learning Accounting. That is by facilitating experiential learning, or “learning by doing.”
By attending this event you will learn to empower students to learn by doing. You'll watch students operate their own “virtual companies” and compete in teams through our “simulated economy”.
As the teams set up and operate their stores, they will grasp the practical applications of Accounting.
Teach Retail Accounting with Business Simulations
See how your students can grasp basic Accounting Concepts by running their own business
See how you can transform from teaching theory to facilitating experiential learning
Dates and Times:
Tuesday, June 7th, 2022:
- 10 AM to 11:15 AM Jakarta time,
- 11 AM to 12:15PM Singapore time
NOTE: Please attend this interactive workshop with a laptop for the best experience.
Please feel free to invite your colleagues and associates to this event. It's open to everyone passionate about education and business, and interested in Experiential Learning. A zoom link will be provided after registration. We look forward to seeing you there!
More About MonsoonSIM
Note: Attendees will receive a certificate for attending this workshop
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