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Are you looking for a new way to teach your students during this pandemic? Have you considered changing the way you teach?
Experts have suggested that only 10% of our knowledge is acquired through formal education, the rest are from experience and social learning. Do you agree? In MonsoonSIM, we truly believe in learning by experience! That is why we have developed MonsoonSIM, an experiential learning and simulation platform used by over 75000 learners worldwide. Here are the three big transformations, as a result:
Learning by theory to learning by experiencing
Teachers become facilitator and motivator
Learning by doing instead of learning by theory
Join us to see how Mr Dheny Biantara from Podomoro University keeps his Accounting Study Programs engaged and excited about learning using MonsoonSIM.
MonsoonSIM allows learners to operate their own companies in teams to learn through a dynamic simulation integrated with business concepts.
What's in the webinar
The Event
When: July 16th (Thursday) - 10:00 - 11:30 AM Jakata Time
The Format
Zoom Meeting ( The Zoom Invitation will be sent upon registration ).
Special Offer
We will provide you with a 1-day FREE Workshop and e-Certificate at the end of this Webinar.
Register today and we will send you meeting details and links right to your email.
Introduction to MonsoonSIM
Here's a video on how we implement Experiential Learning for our learners

Abdy Taminsyah
Abdy is the founder of MonsoonSIM. Abdy has over 20 years of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) experience and 10 years of research and development specifically in the area of using gamification for education.

Dheny Biantara
Dheny is a senior lecturer in the Accounting Study Program at Podomoro University. He uses MonsoonSIM platform to introduce an ERP Systems to students while simultaneously learning while playing.
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